Kandace E Faidley




wine educator

Other distinctions

WSET Level 3, Distinction


My love for wine began when I studied abroad in Spain as part of my Spanish language degree and attended a seminar about local wine. I'm a learner who devours information and constantly craves more. For years, my wine education consisted of single session classes with a limited focus on a single grape or region. I knew that I wanted more and in 2019, I discovered WSET certifications through Vine Lab Wine & Spirits Academy and I haven't turned back. As a lifelong student, I have the heart of a teacher. I want to share what I've learned, and seen, and done, and tasted with those around me. Through WSET levels 1, 2, and 3 as well as Spanish Wine Scholar and French Wine Scholar, I've unlocked the connection between two passions: wine and education. In my free time, I enjoy hammock camping with my husband, Jared, and two dogs, Frito and Booda. I'm an avid traveler, reader, theater-goer, and plant parent. I'm continuing my wine education journey with Italian Wine Scholar, hoping to complete the certification in 2023.

Passed Exams

Spanish Wine Scholar with highest honors
French Wine Scholar with highest honors
